Special Offer for Photzy Community, Only $7 for Everything! ($247 Retail).
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⚠️ DPS Promo is Expiring Today - Only $7 Right Now ($247 Retail) ⚠️

Finally, there is a simple to understand resource that makes it easy to master manual mode & take "tack sharp" photos...guaranteed!
What it is: An ultra-simple 64-page digital guidebook covering the most important basic camera topics like Exposure, ISO, Aperture, Shutter Speed, and more packed with visual diagrams that make learning photography simpler than ever before!
With this guidebook you'll get ALL of this (plus more)...
  • ​ EASY: Finally, a guidebook that makes learning your camera simple, painless, and uncomplicated
  •  ACCESSIBLE: Perfect for ANY photographer, no matter what level of experience. This guidebook will break it down for the complete beginner, but it will also shed light on concepts that any experienced photographer needs to know
  •  COMPLETE: This is a thorough and exhaustive guidebook, where Kimberlee has outlined exactly what you need to know, to FINALLY understand your camera and how to capture perfectly-exposed photos… every time. 
  •   VISUAL: Kimberlee provides plenty of visual examples and diagrams so you aren’t just reading about these concepts; you will also SEE them in front of you in the pages of this book. 
  •  ‘NON-TECHNICAL’: All concepts are broken down into very understandable, uncomplicated language. If you’ve ever tried learning about the big concepts like exposure, ISO, aperture, and shutter speed… you’ve never heard them explained so simply
  •  PRO GUIDANCE: This resource was created by an actual professional photographer - with over ten years of experience in the photography industry! 
  •  SHORTCUTS: This guidebook won’t give you every single unnecessary and boring detail about your camera that you’ll never need to use (like a 1,000-page camera manual). It’s a straightforward system that gives you JUST what you need - and that's it.
  •  REAL WORLD: Kimberlee brings all of the skills and new concepts, and transfers them into the real world where you will see plenty of real examples

Do your photos look more similar to these "before" images?
If so, that's exactly what we're going to help you fix!

Your "Photography Bible" is Here
This complete A-to-Z guide    will help you confidently use your DSLR camera knowing that you'll be getting sharp, beautiful, professional-looking photos RIGHT AWAY!  
This guide is the "Meat and Potatoes" for taking amazing photos without the confusing technical jargon in other online training courses...
Friends, here's the problem...
  • ​Most up-and-coming photographers don’t know basic camera settings or techniques required to consistently produce good photos which leads to frustration, overwhelm and strips away the fun and joy of photography before they ever have a chance to get started.
  • ​It’s incredibly discouraging when your camera takes bad photos. Sometimes they are too bright, sometimes they’re too dark - and often you don’t know why.  
  • Learning on your own takes years, and a LOT of failures & frustration leading people to give up. 
  • ​Too many photographers dream of being able to earn some income on the side, doing what they love - but none of that is ever possible (or sustainable) without having a complete grasp & understanding of the fundamentals.
  • ​Sadly, most online instruction is full of technical jargon that's difficult to understand and even harder to apply to YOUR work.
We aren't making this up, it's what you told us
I get it... trying to learn photography shouldn't make you feel like this...
Is your camera a source of frustration and Disappointment?
Have you ever found yourself...
  • Unmotivated because "winging it" on auto-mode just isn't working - giving you really inconsistent photos
  • Wishing you could pursue a dream and make extra income at the same time
  • Turning down professional and personal gigs because you're worried you'll let people down
  • Comparing yourself with other photographers who seem so much farther along, and it seems like you’ll never be able to shoot like them
  • Unsure what to do when you're stuck on a shoot in bad lighting
  • ​Wishing you could capture memories for your family that they will be proud of
  • ​Wondering whether photography is even worth pursuing - even though it has been one of your real passions
  • Afraid to ask for help because you just aren't "getting it" - and you don't want to ask "stupid questions"
Learning photography wasn’t easy for me...
When I first started in photography, I’ll be honest…I felt unstoppable. I knew I had a "creative eye" for it and I was so confident that I went out and bought a brand-new digital camera. I was so excited that I brought it everywhere with me (and probably annoyed lots of people)

But soon that camera represented a source of personal failure and frustration. 

No matter what I did, I was simply not getting the results I expected to be getting --- and my confidence was so low that I nearly quit.

I shot in auto-mode then … mostly because I didn’t understand the technical language or complicated instruction on basic camera settings or for shooting on manual. Basically, on every shoot I was crossing my fingers and praying for a few good ones. 

I felt utterly STUCK and didn’t know where to even start to fix the problem because I made the mistake of trying to learn on my own.

I'm here to tell you .... That day is over! 
Here's my photos when I was trying to learn. 👎
Here's my photos once I get off auto mode! 👍
You Will Also Get These AMAZING Bonuses When You Buy TODAY!
#1: Camera Settings Pocket Cheat Sheets!
  • ​Tired of feeling "not good enough" 
  • ​ Unsure if you will ever "get it"
  • ​Frustrated that you still can't understand your DSLR camera
  • ​Sick of wasting time taking sub-par and inconsistent photos (that you're ashamed to show off)
The ULTIMATE step-by-step guidebook that will walk you through exactly what you need to know about your camera - photography - and shooting in manual mode
  • Downloadable cheat sheets that you can take with you anywhere you go!
  • Quick Reference Sheets to remind you the essentials about ISO, Aperture, & Shutter Speed. 
  • ​Refresh your memory on Kimberlee’s Shutter Speed rules
  • ​Keep Kimberlee’s photography tips & tricks in your back pocket
  • Emergency on-the-go help you can take with you everywhere!
#2: Common Challenging Shooting Scenarios Recipe Cards
  • 21-page Downloadable PDF with 4 real-world scenarios to see exactly how to choose your ISO, shutter speed, and aperture in any given situation. 
  • ​If you are a visual learner, these recipe cards will give you the exact ingredients you need for perfect photos.  
  • See inside Kimberlee’s brain and hear exactly what she’s thinking as she approaches each scenario, and see how she makes adjustments to her camera settings in order to get the desired results.  
  • ​Should you adjust ISO, aperture, or shutter speed - or all 3?! These recipe cards help clear the cobwebs and give you real examples so that you know what to adjust
  • ​Photos too bright or too dark? See Kimberlee walk through all of the possibilities and choose what to do in each situation. 
  • 4 different scenarios in different lighting, with different subjects.  
#3: Visual Photo Inspiration Guide with All Camera Settings
  • 40 pages FULL of beautiful photographs, along with the camera settings used to capture them. 
  • ​The best way to understand camera settings is by seeing how other photographers chose their settings to achieve their desired results - watch Kimberlee here!
  • ​This guide will allow you to see Kimberlee's exact camera settings used on over a hundred images. 
  • ​You’ll be able to compare and contrast different images and see the final photos with various camera settings.  
#4: Put it Into Practice Booklet
  • A 17-page workbook with 4 different ‘homework assignments.’ 
  • ​The perfect tool to enhance your learning and help all the concepts fully ‘sink in.’  
  • ​Understanding your camera is the foundation, but it will only take you so far... You need action steps to implement what you’ve learned and really see results immediately.  
  • ​Take your knowledge into the ‘real world’ where you can apply and practice your new skills. 

WAIT Don't Scroll Past This... 

Get These 3 Fast-Action Bonuses When You Purchase Right Now!

Bonus #1 - Our "Cole's Classroom Lightroom Mobile Presets" ($37 reg. price)

Let's be real, us photographers are ALWAYS on the lookout for a perfect photo - even when the only camera we have is the phone in our pocket...

That is why we've created 9 unique "must-have" presets specifically crafted for Lightroom mobile.  Using these you'll be able to produce jaw dropping imagery - even from photos that you snap with your phone.

Why You Need These:

Photographer Fact 1: The best camera is the one you have in your hand so you can capture life's precious moments & preserve family memories!

Photographer Fact 2: When we are casually spending time with our family or informally documenting our travels and vacations we take a lot of photos with our mobile phones.

Photographer Fact 3: The hundreds (or thousands) of really good photos that we have on our phones don't look anywhere near as good as they should because editing photos on the phone has always been a very tedious & time consuming process.

...until now. 

Now, with the Cole's Classroom Lightroom CC Mobile Presets it's a 1-click process to really bring your mobile photos to life & let you easily share (or print) the photos so they don't just stay hidden on your phone's "photos" folder forever for nobody to appreciate.

"Sometimes I force my husband to take “cool guy” photos, so I don’t always get all the time I need. In this case, we were in a rush, so I edited with my phone! I was instantly impressed with these photos (and it almost looks like he’s actually cool 😂)! He said this edit made him feel like a SoCal surfer, and considering he’s far from CA, I’d say it was a win all around!"

Bonus #2 - Our "Cole's Classroom Landscape and Travel Presets" ($59 reg. price)

Taking the perfect landscape photo is only 1/2 of the battle...
And to truly make a landscape photo "wall-worthy" and ready to be printed large scale, takes some post-processing skills.

So I'm giving you my 12 best Landscape and Travel Presets for a simple 3-click process to produce amazing photo edits in Lightroom.

This will transform your photos in mere seconds, and is easy enough for everybody to get amazing results, even if you're just a hobbyist! Guaranteed. 

We Saved The Best Fast Action Bonus For Last...
(there's no need for you to struggle anymore on your own!)
Bonus 3: Cole's Classroom Pro - 10 Day Trial Unlimited Access

You'll Get Unrestricted Access to Our Entire Course & Training Catalog & Coaching Staff with a 10 Day Trial to Cole's Classroom Pro.

28 Courses in our Course Catalog ($2,752 value)
15 Backstage Pass Episodes ($2,985 value)
330 Quick Win Training Videos ($2,970 value)
*Fine print - You get unlimited access to our entire library of member only content shown above for 10 days. You are free to cancel your trial before the trial period is over without penalty. Cancelling is as easy as visiting this link and entering your email. If you choose to continue with Cole's Classroom Pro after your 10 day trial you'll automatically be enrolled into our membership at $49/mo OR can contact us to purchase an annual membership for 50% off at $294/year.

You'll Also Have Unlimited Photography Coaching with Myself & My Entire Mentor Team!

And Once You Put a Little Time & Effort In...
You'll Be Able to Achieve Transformations Like Our Other Members Below!

"But nothing really worked, until I heard Kimberlee explain it."

"Kimberlee makes photography so easy to understand. I took a photography class in high school, and tried reading books about photography for years to try to learn on my own. But nothing really worked, until I heard Kimberlee explain it. I finally understood how to shoot in manual mode, and oh my goodness my photos have never been the same since. She made me believe in myself and know that I could take beautiful photos myself." - Deena Cormier
7 Reasons Why YOU Need the Fast-Track Photo Course! 
  • Easy: Includes 8 simple video learning modules that will make learning essential photography techniques SIMPLE.  
  • Quick & Straightforward: You will learn exactly what you need to know about photography to get consistently amazing results (without the useless and overly-technical jargon).
  • ​"Techie" Translated: Difficult & confusing concepts such as exposure, ISO, aperture, and shutter-speed are broken down into simple explanations that anyone could understand. 
  • Learn at Your Own Pace: Let's face it. Sometimes there just isn't a lot of time in the day (you mom's especially know what I mean!). This guide provides step-by-step lessons that you can access in your free time at any time of the day.   
  • Real World Lessons: You get the hard-lessons learned on the job that you'll never hear in another photography classroom! 
  • Consistently Amazing Photos: ...that you will feel proud to show off to your friends, family, and potential clients.

"I had no idea how to work it, other than shooting on Auto."

"I always loved taking pictures. I was that nerdy girl that always carried my point and shoot in my purse wherever I went. I bought a DSLR the year my daughter was born, but I had no idea how to work it, other than shooting on Auto. Kimberlee taught me all of the basics, like what ISO and Shutter Speed meant (and I had never even heard those words before). I learned in a very short time how to COMFORTABLY shoot in AV and then in manual. I will never forget the things Kimberlee showed me, on how to become a photographer. I was even able to take this hobby and turn it into a side business to help support my family. I HIGHLY recommend using Kimberlee for anyone wanting to know how to use their camera." - Becky Pesce
You Are Here for A reason
You've already spent hundreds (or thousands) on a fancy camera to take great photos...

But odds are you're on the verge of giving up on this passion of yours. 

It's time to learn how to use that great camera you have that is going to waste collecting dust in your closet.

Dream of the day where you can earn some income - doing what you actually love?

Or just a hobby that once was fun & your struggle to "figure it out" & improve has stripped away the fun and missed moments and memories. 

It's OK to get help.
It's SMART to get help.

We're here for you & know you have what it takes.

It's OK to accept that trying to figure it out on your own with random YouTube and Google tutorials hasn't done much good & has only added to your frustrations.

It's not the camera's fault.
It's not that you have the wrong lens.
Once you take control of your camera, you can take amazing photos with any gear!

You are only failing if you never really try.
What good is it to invest in a nice camera if you never invest in yourself & learn how to use it?
What good is it to invest in a nice camera if you never invest in yourself & learn how to use it?
It's not the camera's fault.
It's not that you have the wrong lens.
Once you take control of your camera, you can take amazing photos with any gear!

You are only failing if you never really try.
And, if you order today, I'm throwing in these 100% FREE bonuses...
  • ​ Comprehensive Course Workbook with notes, quizzes, and practice exercises that you can take with you anywhere you go. 
  • ​ Full reference gallery of photos that were discussed during our video (along with notes and camera settings) that you can bookmark and reference later.
  • ​ 6-week access to an online community of photographers just like you to encourage and help each other reach your potential
  •   Weekly Q&A sessions with Kimberlee or Cole in our Facebook community. 
  •   Extra Photo Assignments with Kimberlee -- bonus videos that will help you put what you've learned into practice for immediate results!
  • ​ Connection - encouragement - and accountability to get the results you’ve always wanted.
Just Added - $270 in Bonuses Included FREE
When You Buy Today
Fast Track Bonuses Gone Forever Soon!
Here's all the bonuses you get!
  •  Mastering Manual Mode - Bonus Lesson 9 in Course ($100)  - This 30+ minute bonus lesson in the Photography Fast Track is the final piece of the puzzle to tie everything all together for you so you can confidently & intuitively know exactly what settings you need to change, and when to change them to get the exact photo capture that you envisioned in your head!
  •  Photo Inspiration Visual Packet with Camera Settings ($50)  - Ever see amazing photos that the pros take and wonder, what the heck were the camera settings to get that result?  That's why we put this 35 page booklet together for you so you can start to visually see the difference in the final photos when Kimberlee uses different settings.  The photos are neatly organized into sections based on the lighting / scene type so you can have a better understanding of when to use which settings!
  •  Lightroom Quickstart Guide ($20)  - There's a reason why Lightroom is the photo editing tool of choice - it's amazing and much easier to use than Photoshop.  However, it can be VERY overwhelming when you are first trying to learn and our Lightroom Quickstart Guide cuts out the frustration and overwhelm for you and is your road-map for getting started with Lightroom!
  •  Polished & Crave Lightroom Presets Pack ($50) - Using presets in Lightroom is the simplest way to take your photos from "good" to "great" and be finished pieces of work that you are proud of and get the attention they deserve.  Presets make editing EASY by taking a collection of settings and adjustments and packaging them into 1 single click of the mouse.  The result?  Better photos for you, in less time and less stress.
  •  Photography Passion to Profit Quickstart Guide ($50) - Wouldn't it be nice to one day have the chance to earn "some" income with your photography - doing something you love?  The problem is - how do you get started.  Our Photography Passion to Profit Quickstart Guide gives you a road-map to follow so you don't have to figure it out on your own, you can follow the lead of Kimberlee, a 10 year professional photographer.
How much Does a quality photography education cost?
4 hours of 1 on 1 Mentoring with Kimberlee = $1200
Other Professionally Produced Photo Courses Cost = $500
We believe that high quality photography training should be attainable.
So instead of spending $1200 for 4 Hours of Kimberlee's Coaching
you can get started today for only $279!
...and get lifetime access to the course + 6 weeks of mentoring with Kimberlee!
Lifetime access. AFFORDABle PricING. Flexible Enrollment Options
Ready to Master Manual Mode & Start Taking the Photos You Are Capable of?
Only $49.99 $9 ($247 Retail)

Here's Everything You Will Instantly Get
  • The full 64-page digital Guidebook including Kimberlee's most essential and simple training on how to use your camera.
  • Camera Settings Pocket Cheat Sheets: Downloadable quick-reference sheets to keep what you learned in your back pocket at all times.
  • Common Challenging Shooting Scenarios Recipe Cards: 21-pages of Kimberlee's perfect ingredients for camera adjustments in 4 different shooting scenarios
  • Visual Photo Inspiration Guide with All Camera Settings: 40 pages of beautiful photographs (and the exact camera used to take them)
  • Put it Into Practice Booklet: A 17-page workbook and portable accountability partner to make sure you take what you learned and put it into practice right away!
  • ​Buy now to also get:
  • ​​Bonus #1 - Our "Cole's Classroom Lightroom Mobile Presets" ($37 reg. price)
  • Bonus #2 - Our "Cole's Classroom Landscape and Travel Presets" ($59 reg. price)
  • Bonus #3 - Free Cole's Classroom Pro 10 Day "All Access" Trial for Unlimited Access to Our Entire Course Library (Over 28 courses) and Photo Coaching.  Only if still active after trial will you be enrolled as an active member at $49/mo. Can cancel from the website, by yourself or email us at anytime without penalty & still keep all guides and bonuses!
Our 30-day Guarantee!
Our Complete Photo Fundamentals Guidebook comes with a 30-day money back guarantee.  We've done all the hard work already and have zero doubts that if you get this resource and actually apply what you are learning - you will, without a doubt see major improvements within your photography!

If you aren't happy with your purchase, just email us back within 30 days and we will give you 100% of your money back!
Frequently Asked Questions
Who should be using this guidebook? Is this for me?
If you are an up-and-coming photographer that needs help with camera settings and basic shooting techniques, then YES!!! This guidebook and package is designed for photographers of ALL levels. 
Do I need to own a DSLR?
While much of this guide will cover universal photography principles and techniques applicable to all cameras, the bulk of the content will be most beneficial if you own a DSLR camera. 
What if I’ve never used a guidebook?
This guidebook and package is designed to help photographers of all levels of expertise, whether you're just "getting your feet wet" or if you've been taking photos but need some help to "get you over the hump."
What is the process to cancel the Cole's Classroom Pro trial?
We include a 10 day trial to Cole's Classroom Pro because that is our signature program that gives you the most value and resources that we could offer.  You get access to every course and premium training we've ever produced and our team of coaches.  That being said, we want you to at least try it out before you decide if it's not something you want to continue with.  However, we make the cancellation process so simple and you can cancel whenever you want without having to talk to anyone.  To cancel your trial or membership, all you have to do is visit our help center which is linked from the contact menu link on our website and in our help center you'll find a link where you can cancel your membership from the easy self serve portal.  While we absolutely want to make it easy for people to trial our membership, we also are committed to making it very easy for people to cancel who decide the membership isn't a good fit for them.
I’m already shooting in manual mode; is this for me? 
If you've already mastered "manual mode," then you do not need this guidebook.
Get the Photography Fast-Track Course Today!
Total Value = $500 - Buy Now for Only $167!
(FYI - You can purchase via mobile if need be, you'll be emailed your download link)
Copyright Cole's Classroom 2024
Contact: Email - support@colesclassroom.com